Breaux Bridge Crawfish Festival

I finally got the crown I deserve! I was crowned Queen of the Breaux Bridge Crawfish Festival. Yeah right! It is pretty though. This past weekend Dennis and I ventured over to Louisiana with Denise and Brianna to Breaux Bridge to pass a good time. We met Dennis' parents, Harv and Sue who drove from Baton Rouge. It was a lot of fun to go back to this festival that I haven't been to in about 20 years or maybe more. It has changed quite a bit. There is a park where the festival is held at now instead of the streets of Breaux Bridge. It is gated now and there is a cover charge. The good thing is that parking was close and only $3.00. We lucked out when we got there and set up our chairs in the shade of a tent courtesy of Ford pickup trucks. No one was using it and we wanted out of the sun. Food was really good and plenty. We did a lot of shopping, there were lots of booths set up with arts, crafts and other things to buy. The people watching was the best, this couple was having their picture taken by everyone.

I hope that this is not Dennis and I when we get older! The festival is much cleaner than what I remember also. There is no more stepping on piles of dead crawfish or beer cans everywhere. Proabably because you have to buy the beer there and the crawfish was $15 for 2 lbs. No more bringing your own cooler full of drinks! They still had the good cajun bands playing music all day and the dance floors had plenty of room. All in all we had a great time and hope to make it back to Breaux Bridge again one day. This was a good way to prepare for our crawfish boil coming up in a couple of weeks. Hope to see you all there!
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