Denise played her last soccer game at the YMCA with coach Joe McDonald. He has been her coash since she was 4 years old playing first on a coed team and than all girls team. She has learned a lot from him and has enjoyed all these years playing with the same girls even though she was probably the youngest. She has played up with the other girls being two years older than her but managed to do well. On Saturday's game she was the only one that scored and they won their game 1-0.

What a way to finish! The party was that night at Husky's where a very emotional coach handed out their trophies and medals. He knew it was the last time he was going to see all his girls and was not going to be coaching them next year. They Y has decided to make the 11 and older girls teams travel to other Ys for games so he will not be able to coach because he also coaches 3 younger teams and he would not be able to travel. Joe did a great job with the DVD he made of the girl's season. They were the Icebergs this time so he started the photo show with music from the Titanic movie! He also added a bonus of all the individual pictures through the years that he has coached them. We saw each girl progress from a toothless kid to a beautiful young girl.

We will now have to find another rec team for Denise to play with next fall. On Sunday, Brianna had her 1st Communion interview and she passed with just missing one question. She is now ready to make her 1st Communion on May 15th at 10:00 am. We have also decided to celebrate that night with a crawfish boil, so yes we are starting the Annual Shaffer Crawfish Boil again! Come and join us!
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