Dennis and the girls have gone to Arlington to visit Alicia and watch her play in a volleyball tournament in Dallas. So that leaves me here alone to go to my yearly gettogether with my buddy girlfriends. It's been a year since we've been all together and we certainly have missed each other. It's kind of strange that we all live in the same city and some of us close to each other, but can't seem to get together more often. We all live such busy lives with work and kids, it just makes it so hard. To be able to spend this one weekend is the best. It's so much fun to reminisce about old times, look at old pictures, eat, drink and be merry.

Staci picked me up and we drove to Kingwood in the worst rain storm I've seen since Hurricane Ike. One by one we all showed up at Brenda's house minus one of us. Rhonda is with her family because her dad is not doing so well, he is certainly in our thoughts and prayers. We all made a toast to him and those special dear ones who have passed away. Brenda was the perfect hostess to the mostest. She had crackers, cheese, dip and fruit in a lovely spread. She kept the wine flowing and cooked us the best meal of pork loin, green beans, salad and the best mashed potatoes I've ever had. We definitely need to share the recipes.

Theresa brought along a copy of a video we made way back in 1990 at Xmas time. It was bizarre seeing how young and very skinny we used to be. In another 20 years we will look back at tonight's pictures and probably think the same. Each time we meet we bring a birthday gift for a
White Elephant gift exchange except we give out really nice gifts! This is our way of celebrating all our birthdays together and not forgetting anyone. After opening our gifts we put on our PJs and watched
Mamma Mia. Even with all the sing-a-long songs we lost a couple of us to bed before the movie was over. Than there was just me left with Cabo the dog, he ended up sleeping with Fran and I in the guest room. In the morning we had a wonderful breakfast, of course and continued with our conversations. All the water that looked like a pond the day before from all the rain had gone away and you could see the golf course in the backyard. It looks like we are going to have a beautiful Sunday. We haven't decided where we will meet again next year, but I am already looking forward to that.

What fun guys! You really got me with that "pork loin" line!
Thanks for the pics, Lucy! What a fabulous time!!! Can't wait til next year.
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