We had a horrible storm come through last night and dropped about 11 inches of rain. This is the most I have seen our neighborhood flood in the 13 years we have lived here. Dennis had to move the truck at about 4:30 this morning from the front of the house to the driveway because the street was flooded. The water came really close to the front door but didn't come in. Instead the back flooded so much we had water come in through the back into the master bathroom and the family room. The master bath includes our closets so I had to move all my clothes hanging on the bottom and anything on the floor. Luckily the bathroom and closets have tile floor. The family room has laminate which is already buckling. Time for a new floor! The kids are excited about no school today, especially Denise because her Math TAKS was today. I'm sure Maxie is excited also, because she gets to stay inside the house instead of dealing with the wet backyard.