Our kids were off of school today because the school is being used for voting, so I worked from home and stayed with them. First things first, Dennis took them to their school so he could vote this morning.

They both got a big kick out of it. My kids are not for Obama because they heard he wants to make a six day school week and have school all year long. I wonder what adult started that rumor! We will be watching the results later for history in the making. May the best man win!

I took my car in to Discount Tire to get the flat fixed. It was a key that had punctured my tire. It only cost me $24 dollars for a new tire plus I crossed the street with the kiddos to eat lunch at Souper Salad. Dennis met us for lunch which was a real treat because I never get to eat lunch with my husband and kids.
I promised the kids we would go see High School Musical 3 tonight so off we go. I wonder if they have free internet access.
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