We had such a very busy weekend and finally I can now sit and rest in my comfortable recliner. It all started Friday evening with family coming into town and Brianna's First Communion rehearsal. The rain started at 6:00 pm and it was raining cats and dogs. I had to walk in the parking lot lake before going into the church and I got my pants and sandals soaked. Brianna did well at rehearsal and she did the same thing as all the other kids and made a disgusting face when they tasted the wine. Some faces were very funny looking. After getting all her instructions for the next day we got wet again in the pouring rain and went home. Uncle Boogie and Aunt Michelle were staying with us for the weekend while Flash and Grandpa Harv were staying in a hotel close by. I stayed up late preparing for the big party on Saturday with hopes of no rain.

On Satuday morning it was still drizzling and we were able to get into the church without getting too wet. Brianna looked so beautiful in her white dress and veil. It feels like just yesterday we were baptizing her! All the Shaffers, Baugnons and Castros made it into town for this special occasion despite the weather. Besides praying for Brianna, I said an extra prayer to stop the rain for our Crawfish Boil tonight. Father Jack said a great mass and all the boys and girls, about 60 plus, did a great job with their first communion.

On Sunday after finishing off all the cleaning from the party we had one more event to make as a family.

This was the Spring Piano Recital for Denise and Brianna. Brianna played "Star Spangled Banner" and Denise played "Amazing Grace". They both played flawlessly and beautifully. It was a real pleasure to see them on stage so into their music and so composed.

All of Mr. Richard's kids did great, he should be proud of all his students. The recital was enjoyable and over in an hour and a half. I looked forward to going home, picking up Maxie and relaxing the rest of the evening. It was a long weekend and I had a great one!