It's been a long time since I made an entry into our blog. Life is just so busy with my work, the kid's piano, dance and soccer, not to mention their birthday parties and Halloween. Brianna's 8th birthday was last weekend. My mom, dad, brothers and sisters all came over for grilled chicken to help celebrate and then she had a sleepover with five other screaming girls that were non-stop noise until 2:30 am. Not sure if I want to this again next year. I am going to try to talk them into going somewhere like San Antonio or Disneyworld for their birthdays!

Dennis and I also celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. I can't believe we have been married that long! Seems like we just got married yesterday. Oh well, one day we will really celebrate when Brianna gets older. It's not her fault she decided to be born on our anniversary day. This past weekend we journeyed out to McNeese State University in Lake Charles on Friday to watch Alicia play volleyball. Harv, Sue, Nanny, Michelle and Greg met us there. Although they lost, we had a good time visiting with family.

We had a good breakfast the next morning at the Comfort Inn and drove back to Houston with Greg. Uncle Boogie is staying with us for about a week to help Dennis with a few projects. We made it in good time for Denise's soccer game. They won 5-0 and Denise played really well, almost making a goal. After the game they had to get ready for Halloween. Brianna was dressing up as a zombie doctor and Denise was a zombie gladiator. They looked really scary. This is the first year they were being something scary, I guess the princess days are gone! We went to a party where they went trick or treating, had a haunted house and played games.

Lots of fun but way too many kids! I had left Greg and Dennis in charge of all the candy at our house to give out. They really weren't too happy about that, because LSU was playing Tulane at the same time all the kids would be coming over. They did a really good job though, all the candy was gone so they must of ate it or there must have been plenty of kids show up at our house. Denise and Brianna collected lots of candy, enough to last a while if they keep it away from dad!