This has been a very busy week. On Monday Denise had her "Name That Book" contest. Denise was on a team of five third graders that had to read 100 books from a list that was given to them at the beginning of the school year. In the contest questions were asked to each team about the books and whoever answered the most correct won. Her team came in second and they each got a medal. They advance to next week's contest against the older kids. On Tuesday, I went to the school 45 minutes earlier for Memories With Mom. The kids made special pictures and booklets for Mother's Day coming up and they served us chocolate chip cookies and milk for breakfast. It is a sweet tradition they do every year and we get to share a few moments with the kids in their school room with their teacher.
Denise has been very sick with a nagging cough lately so she remained at home on Wednesday and we made our third trip within two weekw to the doctor. They have already taken chest x-rays and this time they took sinus x-rays. The doctor took her off of antibiotics and she is now taking Prilosec and Claritin along with Nasonex spray and the Albuterol inhaler. When she has a coughing fit she gasps for air to breathe, her face turns red, tears come down her cheeks and a burst of air or throw-up comes up through her mouth a few times. It is very scary especially at night while she is sleeping. Because of that, she has been sleeping with us downstairs so when she does have a fit we can calm her down and get her back to breathing normal.
Denise went back to school on Thursday with her inhaler. She had a few episodes but they seem to be getting less.
Today was Field Day at school. This is the day that the classes are split up in 4 color groups and paired with older classes.

Luckily Brianna's class was paired with Denise's class so I was able to see them play their games together. There are about 35 activities set up outside, some including water so the kids can get wet. There are four color teams from two classes set up at each station to race against each other. They spend about 10 minutes at each station and move to the next. Some of the activities include sack racing, tug-o-war, bocce ball, soccer kicks, sponge toss, etc.

Dennis and I had volunteered for the afternoon portion and our station was the critter throw. The relay race was throwing rubber animals through a hula hoop being held by another team member, once complete you switch with the hula hoop holder and they go back and tag the next member. This went on all afternoon in very sunny 90 degree weather. By the end of the day I had acquired a tan and was very smelly from sweating so much, but the kids had a blast. They look forward to this every year. Denise also did great and only had one coughing throw-up fit during the whole day of events. We're keeping our fingers crossed on this medication.