It feels like it has been forever that I have written in my blog. I have been so busy with work and kid stuff. We have had a major reorganization at work and I now have a different boss. In all my almost 25 years of working in IT, all my bosses have been men. I now have a woman boss. She seems to be really nice so we will see how it goes. I will certainly miss my old boss, but I will still see him around on the same floor I work on. Instead of my usual HR/Payroll applications that I have been working on for the past 15 years, they have decided to give us more work mainly because we have less people! I will now be able to work with Finance, Supply Chain, Marketing and Sales. It sounds exciting but will be a lot of extra work. Halliburton's top guy who moved his offices to Dubai is thinking of moving back to the US because of the economic problems and all the layoffs. You can read more about it
here. Enough said of work, Happy Valentine's to everyone.

Denise and Brianna started yesterday when they were able to wear what they wanted for that day. Usually it is standard dress which is like wearing uniforms, but on this day they were happy to wear their capri tights and mini skirts with heart designed shirts. They can't exchange candy anymore in school so they came home with a lot of pencils and erasers along with their Valentine's. This morning we went to their first soccer game of the season and it was cold and cloudy, but it never rained. The kids played well and they had fun than we had to deliver all the Girl Scout cookies to the neighbors. I finally caved in and told them they could get a hamster for Valentine's so we went to Pet Smart and bought everything needed along with a Chinese hamster. I just hope this creature doesn't ever get loose in the house, because they look so much like mice. The kids named it Cupid and just love it. It looks so cute when they put it in a plastic ball and let it roll around on the floor.

Once we had the cage all put together we were able to leave it alone and go out for dinner to one of our favorite restaurants, French Quarter Market Grill. It was pouring down rain outside but it didn't keep people from going out for St. Valentine's including us!